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Symptoms of diabetic angiopathy vary depending on the localization of the pathological process. Diabetic retinopathy is characterized by a number of ophthalmic symptoms detected by instrumental examination. An early manifestation of these signs of a pathological condition is characteristic, while retinopathy is still asymptomatic and the patient does not present active complaints.

Target organs in angiopathy are most often the brain, kidneys, organ of celebrex, heart and lower limbs. Nephropathy is usually formed in people with a long history of diabetes, against the background of a severe course or incorrect treatment of the underlying disease. Symptoms of damage to order celecoxib pills of the kidneys. With further progression, the following symptoms appear. For diabetic lesions of the vessels of the heart, such manifestations are characteristic. Angiopathy of the vessels of the lower extremities is considered one of the most serious complications of diabetes and is manifested by a number of characteristic features.

In the later stages of angiopathy of the lower extremities, the so-called diabetic feet are formed, which are characterized by a change in the shape and color of the nails, dry skin of the feet with cracks and corns, and deformity of the first toe. Diagnosis of diabetic angiopathy is made using both laboratory and instrumental research methods. Persons suffering from type I diabetes (insulin-dependent) have a greater risk of developing diabetic angiopathy. Necessary instrumental research methods.

Among other things, consultations of an ophthalmologist, neurologist, vascular surgeon, cardiologist are necessary. First of celecoxib pills, treatment of the underlying disease that led to the development of angiopathy, diabetes mellitus, is required. Depending on the type of diabetes, the severity of the symptoms and the presence of complications, either tableted antidiabetic drugs or insulin preparations are used. Pharmacotherapy of angiopathy itself is multicomponent, carried out using the following means. Upon request, patients are prescribed nitrates, antihypertensives, diuretics, drugs that reduce heart rate, antiarrhythmic drugs, correctors for cerebral circulation disorders, biogenic stimulants, etc.

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Possible complications and consequences. Diabetic angiopathy can cause serious complications. In varying degrees, vascular damage (diabetic angiopathy) occurs in 9 out of 10 carriers of diabetes. The prognosis for diabetic angiopathy is conditionally favorable. with timely diagnosis and adequate therapy, the progression of the pathological process can be significantly slowed down or completely stopped, working capacity and social activity in this case do not suffer.

The risk of developing vascular lesions is individual and directly depends on the correctness of the therapy, the patient's adherence to buy celebrex online and the implementation of recommendations for lifestyle modification. Preventive measures are as follows. Mandatory compliance with nutritional recommendations, diet. Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels. Systematic preventive examinations with obligatory visits to an ophthalmologist, neurologist, cardiologist. Performing dosed physical activity. Stop smoking, alcohol abuse. Careful care of the skin of the lower extremities.

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